Thursday, February 12, 2009

Funny Bug

I haven't posted much about Skylee lately. When I first started this blog a year ago, it was ALL about Skylee, but I've learned that you can post about anything, not just kids :) Skylee is growing up so fast. She speaks really well for her age, and has A LOT of sass! A few funny things that have happened lately:

Conversation in the car:

S: Mom, I'm gunna die
B: You're WHAT? What did you say?
S: I'm gunna die, mom
B: You're going to die?
S: Yeah
B: Why are you going to die Skylee?
S: Cuz I need a blanky.

*How she even knew the word die? I have no idea, but it shocked me to have this little conversation with her!

Another conversation in the car:

B: Skylee...are you going to be a big sister?
S: Yeah!
R: What's you're little brother's name going to be when he comes?
S: Lucifer!

* Ryan and I still laugh about this one all the time, hopefully our little guy won't live up to the name Skylee has given him!

A couple nights ago I was sitting down at our coffee table, don't remember what I was doing, but I was down at Skylee's level. She was being sassy as usual, and I asked her to be a nice girl, not a sassy girl. She fires back at me "I will be a sassy girl...UNDERSTAND....ME...MOM?" I tried SOOO hard not to laugh. I just couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth. Sadly I can't wonder where she gets it, I use that "do you understand me?" line, and apparently she thinks it's pretty effective.

She thinks she's pretty funny when she says "EXCUSE ME!"(super sassy, with her little head going back and fourth) but Ryan and I don't think it's cute, so we tell her "that is too sassy" and ask her to be a nice girl. She always tells me to "be a sassy girl mom" "say it like a sassy girl". What kind of little monster have we created? She gets that phrase from me too, when I don't like what she's doing I say "excuse me..." I'm not sassy about it though, she get's that on her own.

Getting out of bed in the morning is not my favorite time of day. When Skylee wakes up, I usually just bring her back into bed with me, and turn on a cartoon so I can rest just a little longer. The other morning while we were in bed she told me she was hungry...I told her "when Little Einsteins is over, I'll get up and we'll go eat breakfast" she suprisingly was fine with my response. So she slides off my bed, walks up to the t.v. and turns it off! "It's over Mom! Let's go eat some breakfast!" I thought that was pretty cleaver, so I had to get out!

She is doing really well with her potty training these days, she's been telling me all by herself when she needs to go. We even took her to church on Sunday wearing her big girl underwear...and no problems!

She is a very compassionate little person, whenever she finds out someone is sad or sick, she'll ask me about them all the time to make sure they're okay.

Skylee is accepting that being a big girl is a good thing now! We've said goodbye to her pacifier, worked on potty training, and becoming a big sister are all great strides for her acceptance! I'm so proud of her, she's my little buddy, we go everywhere and do everything together. She's the sweetest little thing...yes, with a bit of a two year old attitude, but she also loves to cuddle, hug and shower us with kisses! She has a big vocabulary, so she keeps us laughing all the time with the things she comes up with, it's still shocking though even as well as we know her! Little people are so funny! I just can't wait until our little boy comes along, to see how sweet she is with him. I know she's going to be a great big sister! I love my Skylee-bug!


Unknown said...

So dang funny! I just love it. I am just amazed at how smart and advanced she is! Its awesome. I wish you were close so Juliana could watch learn from Skylee!

The Osborne Family said...

Those are hilarious! I just LOVE the things kids say. =)


I'm so glad you are putting those cute things on your blog! You will be so glad that you did it one day! She is just too cute!

Josh and Britt said...

Hey Brittany Skylee soounds like a crack up! i loved the one about her baby bros name. Well I finally got a blog going and I only have a few posts, but at least its started. Thanks for sending me you blog I love it.

Kathryn Skaggs said...

Lucifer? LOL

Holli said...

this almost warranted some tears from funny :)