Thursday, October 30, 2008

YES on California's Prop 8

I know I live in Georgia, but I'm still a registered voter in California, it's home! Tuesday November 4 is election day and there are some really important offices and propositions to be voted on. Proposition 8 is big deal...protecting traditional marriage between a man and a woman, in which I believe strongly in. Follow this link for more information and some questions you may have never thought of and go check it out and let others know about it! Both these blogs have great information and will help you get the facts for making the right desicion this election. And GO VOTE, if I live in GA and already mailed mine can make it to your polling place on Tuesday! Yes on 8.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A year already?

I feel like such and old lady when I say this but..."they" grow up so fast. I can't believe how much Skylee has changed and grown! These pictures are from our pumpkin patch outting last year in Rohnert Park, CA. It really does seem like just yesterday, and tomorrow we are going to hunt for a nice pumpkin patch around here!
Today we went to the only costume store around, no luck. The goal is that Skylee will be a witch, but we have found that her head is kinda big :) so finding a hat that fits has already proven to be a challenge! She of course was drawn to all the princess costumes, but I'm not giving in just yet. There will be plenty of years to come when she won't settle for anything less than fairies, princesses, and cheerleaders. This year, I can still get away with being a little more "Halloween-like".

Chubby little Skylee
Anything she could get her hands on!I love pumpkins

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Little Late...

Even though these ultrasound pictures are 3 weeks old, and the baby is much different now...I figured it was about time I posted them at least for those that would like to see. The baby is doing really well from what we can tell at this point. In all these pictures, he/she had it's little legs curled up and arms tucked in. I didn't even hear the nurse pushing a button to take the pictures, so I didn't think I was going to get any, until the very end they handed me 5! I wish I could have requested what shots to take, but that will be at my discresion once the baby is born I guess :)

11.4 weeks along
All this work for someone so tiny :)
I really like my doctor so far Dr. Eva DiLorenzo. I guess with Skylee I didn't really know what to expect from a OB so I just went along with everything. Now I know that I could have been in much better care, and I feel that way now with this female doctor. During the ultrasound she predicted that it was a boy from the looks of it at that point! She felt pretty confident, but at only 11 weeks along, there's no telling for sure!
I keep dreaming up what it's really going to be like when I've got 2 little ones. 2 girls, or 1 boy 1 girl to even the numbers in the house? Both possibilities get me really excited about our growing family. I remember like it was yesterday playing with my best friends and neighbors Holli and Brittany Watkins, what our future families would be like... who would we marry? how many kids would we have? what would all their names be? how many boys/girls? Where would we live? The list goes on and on, and I'm sure this is what most little girls daydream about.
It's an amazing thing to see my life unfold. I never thought that I would be a "military wife". Even after marrying Ryan, I NEVER thought he would join the military. It's been such a blessing though. We've moved a lot, seen different places, and I think all of our kids will be born in different states. Who knows? Skylee is the best, she has already taught me so much in the almost 2 years since she came into this world. What a blessing it is to have children! I'm sure this one on the way will bring just as much joy into all our lives...I can't wait to see this one! I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, then the next one in Nov. we'll find out the sex for sure! We'll keep you posted.

P.S. I know my last post was a pity party...just so you know I'm doing fine. Pregnancy isn't an easy thing for me, like most, but I'm hanging in there. Ryan is my hero. He takes care of me, Skylee, the house, shopping...and working as usual. I'm close to my 15 week mark, so I'm crossing my fingers that this too shall pass...SOON!