Thursday, December 18, 2008

The little gift to come

(Our little guy)
I'm 24 weeks pregnant and I had another ultrasound today. I have been a little concerned that I even needed another one, considering I had one only 4 weeks ago and it was the doctors request to peek inside again. It was so fun to see how big he's really grown this past month. I've seen my tummy grow, but with all my eating lately, I thought maybe I was packing on a few extra holiday pounds. I'm sure I still am, but he's getting some of what I eat apparently :) Originally I was supposed to have a regular doctors appt. then the ultrasound with a different technician later on. I guess my doc wasn't going to be in today, so we rescheduled for next week. I'm anxious to talk with her to see what put up a rd-flag, so to speak, for another ultrasound. The ultrasound technician said that his measurements looked good and he's 1lbs. 5oz in there! Just thought I'd share one picture that (if you can make out what it is) looks like he's trying to peek back at us. And by popular demand (really, like 4 people) I made Ryan take a picture of my always growing tummy!!

(He's hiding in there...a whole little person!)


Anonymous said...

You look so beautiful. I wish I could be there with you. Love you so much.


Kayla said...

look at you! you're such a cute pregnant girl! :)

Troy & Allison said...

You look great!! I am constantly amazed at the human body and what we can do to help our little babies. I hope things are okay - the doctor requesting a second ultrasound would put me at a scare. But I only get one anyways...I know so many people who have recieved multiple utlrasounds throughout their entire pregnancy...maybe because I have a midwife I only get one. But it just makes me more anxious to see her on the big day. Seriously, I think you can eat as many sweets as you want this holiday season!! :)

The Osborne Family said...

That is so fun! I get ultrasounds every 4 weeks for the next 2 appointments, and then every week after that until our little guy is born. There's no serious worry, so I get to sit back and enjoy seeing him on a regular basis until he comes. Good luck! I'm sure the red flag was not a big deal.

Unknown said...

You look just've got that pregnancy glow! :-) Love it!

Steve and Jennette said...

Oh thank goodness you're FINALLY showing! I was feeling like a big old heffer (sp?) when we were together last month! You look totally cute!