Tuesday, August 4, 2009


This is our monster of a two year old, we call Skylee. She wanted to dance to this song (she loves Beyonce) but when I turned it on, she changed her mind and wanted to play with her dress up clothes. When she realized that I was recording, she wanted to get behind the camera to see herself. I couldn't help but laugh :) I find it ironic that she's throwing a little fit while "halo" is playing...

Post Braids:

P.S. Sorry about the random "booty" at the end there, Skylee has been going through this phase that she'll say that out of nowhere, for attention I'm sure!


Mindy said...

haha Such a mean mom not letting her get behind the camera. :-) That was pretty funny.

Kathryn Skaggs said...

"Bootie"... rotfl!!! Heck, that was the best part! LOL

Unknown said...

oh my gosh for some reason I thought the video of her fit was hilarious. I was laughing to the point where my eyes were watering! Wow...I am easily entertained I guess?!?! But seriously you are such a tease...haha i love it!