Monday, April 27, 2009

Dear Patience: Where did you go?

I know I'm not the only one I feel like I'm going crazy! Practically no sleep for nights, a 2 1/2 year old (need I say more), a 3 week old infant, messy house, and I'm about ready to crack.  No matter how nicely I ask my two year old to do something, or not to do it, it's as if she doesn't hear me at all. Parker is getting to a point where he always wants to be moving, I just want him to continue to sleep all day long, looking cute so I can get a few things done around my house! Is it too much to ask for??? The excuse I'm blaming all of this "craziness" on is SLEEP DEPRIVATION. I'm so tired it hurts today and Skylee is too, but refused to take a nap this afternoon, perfect! Oh look, it's almost 7pm here in Georgia, I'm thinking an early bedtime??? Just thought that maybe if I write about it I'd feel less crazy today. I guess the day is almost over and tomorrow we'll try for a better day ;)


Tristen said...

Brittney! Been there, don't worry it will get better!! Our first few months of two-child-dom was CRAZY!! I cried every day from my utter lack of patience and sanity and ability to get anything done. But somehow and I don't know when, things got better and these days it's even ideal to have two little kids (as opposed to our one daughter). You are doing great, just put everyone to bed by 7 and go to sleep yourself!

And just as a side note, our 6:30 or 7:00 bedtimes are my lifesaver, so if anyone tries to tell you it's too early, don't believe it. Our days are much better for our early bedtimes!

Kathryn Skaggs said...

A dirty house can wait. Besides, I imagine it is more clutter and a few dishes undone. Ryan can pitch in when he is able. You need to just relax and accept the "stage" you are currently going through. If you are tired, kick back and sleep when you can grab a few zzzzz's during the day. Give in to a video to calm Skylee down a bit. Life always feels out of control when we are going on lack of sleep. Hang in there -- the only place you can go -- is up:-)

Unknown said...

haha you make me laugh. hope today is a better day...just remember "3,2,1...1,2,3...what the heck is bothering me?!" haha

Michelle- A look at our lovely life said...

I am soooooo with you on this one, Britt! Thankfully, Mom is still here for a couple days. But after that, I just might fall apart!!! Love you! We can always cry and commiserate/celebrate together.

Unknown said...

Oh the life of two and not only two but one IS Two! That for me was the hardest part. Juliana did the same thing. She would not listen especially when I would try to nurse. She knew that that was an opportunity to get into everything I just told her not to get into! I feel for you! Its nice to know your not alone. And I'm sure we have all had those moments of thinking ..."WHAT WAS I THINKING!" but than you see that cute new rolly face you get to kiss at the end of the day and think...okay...its all worth it!

Troy & Allison said...

No are not alone and it does get better! I think I had it easier because Kai is 3, but he pushes the lines just like any other kid. I have no witty words of wisdom, just remember its a stage and all of you will get through it! :) Motherhood is fabulous and well worth everything!! :)