Sunday, November 30, 2008


My little girl is all grown up...well at least 2 years grown up! Skylee had a birthday on November 29th, so we took her to the zoo. We had a birthday party for her in California with all our family, but we thought she would enjoy a day out of the house where we could have fun celebrating her! We got to the zoo around 10:30am and noticed right away we might have a problem...there were police cars surrounding the entrance and the gates were closed :( We could hear the officer at the gate announce that a bobcat had gotten loose and the zoo was temporarily closed! My first thought "This kind of stuff always seems to happen to the pumpkin patch hunt last month!" We were pretty bummed but thought maybe we could find something in Jacksonville to do for the day. We drove around aimlessly for 30 mins and headed back home feeling a little defeated. As I approached to zoo exit I thought "hey, who knows? Maybe it's open again???" We drove back with success! They had opened the gates and we just had to wait 10 mins, for the okay. Even with the initial set back, we had a great day. Skylee loved the elephants especially. She got to brush baby goats, play on the play equipment, eat a snow cone, ride the train, and most of all see all the animals she loves! When we got back home I still hadn't done my shopping for her birthday...give me a break, we were gone the previous days! I had to hurry and get her presents, make the cake, dinner, wrap and then get our festivites here at home going! She didn't get to bed until 9:00pm! I'm so sad since the brand new batteries that we bought didn't work! I didn't get to take pictures of her blowing out candles, opening presents, eating her cake or playing with her new toys! I got some of the action on my video camera, but for posting sake...I've got nothin! Ryan and I got her the new "Tinkerbell" movie, pink (girly) building blocks, and Sleeping Beauty pretend make-up. She knew exactly what to do with her make-up and had fun making Ryan and I beautiful all night!

I thank my Father in Heaven for sending me the little angel that Sklee is. Now I understand when mothers say "my children are my life!" Skylee (and Ryan) is my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Skylee is the sweetest, funniest, smartest, and most loving little person, and I am so blessed to be her mother. Thank you Skylee for teaching me so much in these 2 short years of your precious life, Happy Birthday Skylee-bug I love you!

Giving Thanks

We had a nice Thanksgiving holiday spent with the only family around for miles...near Atlanta. Ryan's Aunt Debbie and Uncle Brad invited us to their home for the occassion. Ryan's Grandma and Grandpa Eatchel were also there, whom had never had the opportunity to meet Skylee. Although Skylee was dealing with her first ear infection, getting over a cold, and really grouchy...I think they enjoyed her company :) I was sick too, I've been dealing with a pretty severe cold for about 8 weeks on and off, but I really appreciated spending time with the family. After we put Skylee down for bed on Wednesday night, we snuck out of the house to catch a movie "Quantom of Solace", Ryan said it he didn't think it was that great, I however had a great nap! Thanksgiving day we watched the Macy's Day Parade on TV and enjoyed eachothers company. Aunt Debbie and Uncle Brad worked hard in the kitchen preparing our wonderful meal! I was hesitant to be in the kitchen since I couldn't get rid of my symptoms, and Skylee was a major handful!!! For dinner we had: Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls, green beans, stuffing, spiced apples, cranberries, and candied yams. Everything was delicious! Thanks again to Aunt Debbie and Uncle Brad for letting us into your home once again, it was great to see you guys! I wasn't too great about taking pictures this trip, but here are a few...enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's a BOY!!!

Ryan and I are so excited to say that we will be having a little boy this coming April. As you could imagine Ryan is a proud man, and finally the numbers will even out in this house. It is great to know that we will be able to experience being parents to both genders already with just two. We plan on having more, but it's in the bank now! We can't seem to think of many names at all...we need help! The dilema: Allen is such a common last name. Solution: we need something unique, but not weird. Any suggestions??? Our little guy seems to be doing well from what it looks like, I have another ultrasound in two days at my regular doctors office so I'll get to peek inside again!

While we visited family in California this last week, my sister Jennette and I took a couple hours to our-pregnant-selves, and went to find out together what we would be having. Jennette was up first. While the ultrasound tech was making small talk with her, she casually asked about her son Ethan and said that he would be happy. "why is that?"..."becuase you're having another boy!". We were both so excited! Her little one was so cute and active. When it was my turn, it didn't take long at all for the technician to figure it out, "you're having a boy too!"...two boys in our girl-ruled family, just like that! Ironically the two cousins were in the exact same postition, and a strange one at that. We are all so excited to meet these little studs in 20 weeks!