I took my time with these costumes, I knew there would be a thousand opportunities for mistakes ( I made my fair share!) but they're pretty much done. A couple last minute finishing touches on Skylee's, and I'll call it good. With Parker's, I'm not very happy with the hat but his is so tedious that I just don't have the time and patience required for my toddlers one time use Halloween costume! On a positive note, at least everyone knew what he was without asking! Skylee's wings are still a work in progress and I've got to figure out what to do with her hair. I may never make costumes again, so this has got to be documented well ;)
Tonight we had a trunk or treat activity on the Navy base that we attended. It was for me so I had a deadline to finish the majority of the costumes, and to give them a try. I found out that Skylee's isn't so potty-friendly. I had to take the entire thing off, ha! Oh well, she looks beautiful in it :) The kids had a fun time and i couldn't go home without a couple pictures!
Happy Halloween!
P.S. What should I be?
aw! They look so adorable. I love Parker's little pumpkin trick or treat bag too!
WOW! These are absolutely priceless! Both Skylee and Parker look adorable. You did an amazing job. I am SO proud of you:)
wonderful!! :)
hope you dont mind me commenting...i saw your mum post about this on facebook...curiosity and all that :)
OMG OMG seriously SOOOOO cute Britt! I love the owl! The glow worm is such a good idea too! Maybe if baby girl comes a little early that is what I'll dress her up as...or maybe I'll be too exhausted to even think about that?!?! oh well...it's fun to think about.
Oh gosh...I have to figure out what i want to be before I figure out what anyone else should be! haha Maybe I'll be the glow worm?!?! :-)
Hi I was googling this little piggy idea for RS enrichment one night and your blog came up. I was wondering if you would mind telling me what some of the hand out were that were used. We would like to do this in November. Thanks. PS hope you don't care that i came acrossed your blog.
you are so talented britt! i love their costumes! hope you guys had a great halloween!
You've got precious gems. they are so cute. good for you.
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