Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Showing off

Here is little Skylee in her pj's indulging me as I test her skills. When she saw this on the computer, she did everything perfectly...go figure!

Monday, January 28, 2008

January adventures...

Well...this month started with the most stressful move so far, but things have somewhat settled down for us. For the most part we are settled into our new house, and we have even gone to a BBQ that we were invited to. "They" say that growing starts with getting out of your comfort zone and thats where we are right about now! Last week we finally made it down to Jacksonville, FL which is only about a 30 min drive away, to go to a mall down there. Here in Kingsland there isn't a whole lot to do, or too many places to go except Wal-Mart (Super Center even!) so getting to a "normal" place was good for my mental health :) ! Ryan endured me while I went on a quest for things I needed, I found some amazing sales, and not too mention it was his idea to go in the first place! Friday I went to get my hair done...more blonde, covered my roots, and cut some bangs. I don't have a picture yet, but I'll get one soon to share. For my birthday on Saturday, Ryan made me breakfast in bed (chocolate chip pancakes), then he had arranged a babysitter for the afternoon so he could take me to the shooting range. That's right...I shot a gun for the first time, and no...we aren't turning into rednecks here in the south! I was scared to death for the first 30 mins. or so even after I had shot the gun a few times. It took me a while to get used to it, but I ended up having fun. I hit the bulls-eye 4 times, which everyone said was good, and I at least always hit the target...I must be a natural :) It was something I had never done before, and I'm glad he decided to choose something more adventurous. After that we took the babysitter home and went to dinner as a family. I wondered why we hadn't just paid the sitter for a little while longer so we could eat in peace like everyone else, Skylee has to make herself known, vocally! It was actually my idea that we take Skylee along with us, I had missed her all day long, after all it was the first time we had hired someone to watch our little rug-rat. I had a really good birthday, I was happy that Ryan was actually able to be home for it this year! Thanks to all who called, e-mailed and sent cards for my b-day, it's always good to know those you love thought about you!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008

Here we are!

Our Home!!!

Sweet Home Georgia!

Hi, just thought since we're sharing our whole lives now, I would post the pictures of our new home, I wish I learned about this blog thing a long time ago. It's so much easier! Here are all the pictures we've taken so far to give you an idea of where we live.

A look back on December

Our Story...

Almost 6 years ago, Ryan and I met at a church youth conference when he asked me to dance. We started dating then and continued to on and off until he left on his mission to Sau Paulo, Brazil in July 2003. We wrote each other weekly for those 2 years, and when he got back I made sure to be around. He got back in July 2005 and we were engaged that same November. The day he proposed to me, he picked me up at 5:00am and blind-folded me, and took me to the church building where he had asked for that first dance. After a sweet few moments there, he put the blind-fold back on and took me to a hot air balloon ride over the Temecula Wine Country. We had a breakfast picnic and the went up to Idywild later that afternoon and had dinner up there where we saw each other for the first time the same day of the dance. It was getting dark and he finally go the courage to ask if I would marry him as we walked back to the car. I obviously said yes! We got married on February 11,2006 and had our reception a month later in March. On April Fool's Day we found out that we were expecting a baby! Ryan joined the Coast Guard and left for boot camp in August, leaving me behind 6 1/2 months pregnant. When he graduated in October, we were stationed up in Coos Bay, OR. Four weeks after our move, Skylee Jane Allen was born on November 29,2006. I had a difficult pregnancy with her, but my delivery was easy, if there is such a thing. We lived in Oregon for about 7 months until we got transferred to Rohnert Park, CA where Ryan went to school. He studied to be an ET (Electronics Technician) for the Coast Guard. He graduated in December, moved up in rank and we just got re-stationed in Kingsland, GA. Ryan works at the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, and enjoys his work, as it is a very unique one being in the Coast Guard. Skylee is our pride and joy. She has recently started walking and learning how to do all kinds of things. I work from home as a Personal Wellness Coach, and Independent Distributor for Herbalife. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends to support us.